The Importance of Resin Strength

When considering an investment for your resin bound pathways, we all consider what is the best value for our budget. i.e. what is the best performing product at the best rate. Once we have made that decision we then choose between a supplier/brand, often we are swayed by a brand that we trust. This should be no different when considering a resin bound supplier/manufacturer.

When planning your purchase or choosing your supplier for your resin bound needs, you should consider the performance characteristics as an important measure, and one of those to consider is the strength of the resin.

The term ‘resin strength’ can refer to the physical and mechanical properties of a resin material.  The strength of a resin can be characterised by several key properties including:

  • Tensile Strength – the maximum amount of tensile (pulling) stress that a resin can withstand before breaking.
  • Compressive Strength – the maximum amount of compressive (pushing) stress that a resin can withstand before failing.
  • Flexural Strength – the ability of a resin to withstand bending or flexing without breaking.
  • Impact Strength - the resin's resistance to sudden shock or impact loading.
  • Hardness – the resistance to deformation when a force is applied.
  • Heat Resistance – the ability to maintain its strength and structural integrity at elevated temperatures.
  • Chemical Resistance – the ability of a resin to withstand exposure to various chemicals without degradation.

In this blog, we are going to focus on the compressive strength of the resin used in resin bound paving surfaces.

Compressive strength in a resin bound surface is a good indication of the durability of the product when under heavy loads. If the product has a high compressive strength that surface will be able to withstand heavy vehicles, heavy turning without failure, and demonstrate strong resistance to axial loads and compression.

As part of SureSet’s commitment to strength and durability, we use compressive strength as one metric to gauge the suitability of our ingredients when formulating our resin, and resin & stone blends. We have in-house equipment that we use daily to monitor and develop all our products.

To demonstrate the confidence we have in our resin, we tested the compressive strength against resin from 5 different suppliers (including SureSet’s own ProResin).

To test for Compressive strength, cubes are made up in accordance with test BS EN 2390. 100mm cubes are made using identical methods and made to an identical weight* using the same aggregate.

Each cube was tested by an independent testing authority under the same conditions and results were shared with us, see below the results formulated from the results.

SureSet’s ProResin displays a high level of compressive strength when compared to the other tested competitor products, and shows our commitment to developing and providing a product that is not only aesthetically pleasing but of the highest durability to be found in the permeable resin bound market.

To keep in touch with SureSet and see the work we do behind the scenes our mailing list and The Resin Hub Facebook Group.

* The sole variable among the individual cubes was in relation to the ratios of Isocyanate to Polyol, which was derived directly from the respective weights of the tubs (excluding the tubs themselves). Essentially, these ratios were representative of the formulations provided to contractors.

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